Use "rare|rarer|rarest" in a sentence

1. Access to this demi-monde is rare; capturing its essence in words and pictures, rarer still.

2. There's nothing rarer.

3. Collection Cockerels These chicks are all males selected from the breeds included in our Rarest of Rare and Top Hat Special assortments

4. Rarer Accomplices can usually be promoted more

5. Forex Brokers with Paypal are much rarer

6. Signed paintings by him are even rarer.

7. These posters are rarer and hence very collectable.

8. They become rarer because we fish them.

9. Odliness and Contentment are indeed rare gems, but since they can only be found inseparably combined, they are the rarest of gem to be found in man.

10. A Choriocarcinoma is even rarer than a hydatidiform mole

11. Chroma Weapons are rarer, rainbow versions of several godlies

12. Instances of the second more sudden realization are rarer.

13. Let us turn to something of rarer quality.

14. Such low temperatures are rarer in the Arctic.

15. Always cook Beefalo rarer than you cook regular beef.

16. Azurite is rarer than malachite and is considered more valuable

17. Atypical Carcinoids are much rarer than typical lung Carcinoids

18. The Aurae is the 6th common species in the dominance chart. That makes it the rarest of the common species, below the common Chetae but above the rare Igneo

19. Ataxic CP is the rarest subtype of cerebral palsy.

20. 14 The rarest quality in an epitaph is truth.

21. Tigers are among the rarest of the big cats.

22. Ataxia-telangiectasia (AT) is a rarer type of hereditary Ataxia

23. The Amur leopard - the rarest cat in the world.

24. Arcana items are among the rarest items in Dota 2

25. Divorce can be justified only in the rarest of circumstances.

26. It is one of the rarest birds in the world.

27. 8 Sadly, the sporting sportsman is becoming rarer these days.

28. The albino Bichir is the rarest variety and highly sought after

29. It is widespread in Europe, although rarer in Northern Europe.

30. Blue Birchen Marans are one of the rarest types of Marans

31. Astatine is the rarest naturally occurring element on the Earth’s crust

32. Astatine is the rarest naturally occurring element on the Earth’s crust

33. The world's rarest fish has been stolen from the city aquarium.

34. Bontebok are one of the rarest antelopes found in South Africa

35. The Chrysoberyl family has two even rarer crystals, Alexandrite and Chrysoberyl Cat’s Eye

36. Ports with deeper water are rarer, but can handle larger, more economical ships.

37. The white Cushaw is another of the rarer varieties of Cushaw squash

38. The Byssus of the pen shell makes sea silk, the world’s rarest thread

39. The Andean flamingo (Phoenicoparrus andinus) is one of the rarest flamingos in the world.

40. Anorthite is an end member and one of the rarer members of the plagioclase series

41. 23 Prosecutions by private individuals are much rarer, being brought mainly by aggrieved parties.

42. Its colour, pale pink, is one of the rarest to be found in diamonds.

43. It is the rarest thing in the world to hear a rational discussion o! vivisection .

44. Seeing that anti - bacterial drugs are in existence, acute bacterial endocarditis has become much rarer.

45. Native to the Sahara Desert, the Addax is one of the world’s rarest mammals

46. It is much rarer than Allosaurus fragilis and they differ in their skeletal details.

47. The embryo lymph cyst is one kind of rarer embryo subnormal because the lymphatic system obstruction.

48. Although Beryllium is one of the rarest elements in the earth, Beryl gemstones are fairly common.

49. This simply indicates that the female Celebutante is the rarer classmate becauses she costs more

50. Real art is another matter and, despite recent genuflections towards Rembrandt, a rarity becoming rarer.

51. It is one of the world's rarest gulls, with a population of 4,000 – 6,500 pairs.

52. Florida Cracker cows are one of the oldest and rarest breeds of cattle in United States.

53. An exception arises only where there are concomitant changes that confer an advantage on the rarer types.

54. Jean Theodore Delacour, French-American Aviculturist known for discovering and rearing some of the world’s rarest birds

55. There is something that is much more scarce, something rarer than ability. It is the ability to recognize.

56. The NCMEC says that Abductions by strangers are the rarest type of cases of missing children

57. In some rarer cases, bad Breath could be a sign of cancer or other serious conditions like metabolic

58. Copyists usually work freelance, for a music preparation company, or—in rarer cases—as a member of a composer

59. Boolean is hands-down the rarest familiar in the entire game—and thus, the hardest to obtain

60. As new species in the course of time are formed through natural selection, others will become rarer.

61. Trevor is the rarest of writers who can actually produce both novels and stories of equal caliber.

62. Alexandrite is a color change-variety chrysoberyl and is considered one of the rarest gemstones in the world

63. Bytownite is a rarer form of feldspar, more commonly seen as a faceted gemstone then as a collectors mineral

64. The Autochrome is the rarest, most fragile, and, to a great many eyes, most beautiful of the photographic processes


66. Something rare.

67. For a dwindling congregation to be glad to become part of an implanted group in their own building is even rarer.

68. Certainly they are much rarer than the ordinary mistakes or accidents which exclude intention or mens rea in the ordinary sense.

69. Bonteboks, like this one on display in the Hall of African Wildlife, are the rarest antelopes in the world

70. Perhaps today, Bibliomania does not feel like an irrational behaviour, as books have become less venerated and libraries rarer

71. TAnzanite is a single-source gemstone that is a thousand times rarer than diamond, and is only gaining popularity.

72. Their is something that is much more scarce, something rarer than ability. It is the ability to recognize. 

73. Too much need not be made of this, and the Roman calendar will suffice for all but the quite rarest occasions.

74. The rarest and most valuable garnet gem is the green to yellowish-green variety of the mineral Andradite, called demantoid.

75. Dendritic (“tree-like” in Greek) Agate The rarest Agate has tree-like or fern-like patterns – mineral impurities locked inside.

76. 1 List of Crafting Recipes 1.1 Random Rare Weapon/Rare Armor

77. Although most dictionaries and usage authorities still make this distinction, criterion is likely to go the way of datum and agendum (which are only used by small groups of English speakers).That is, criterion will become rarer and rarer, while Criteria will become the singular form (with Criterias

78. [email protected] Potential Usage Travel, Tourism Without a doubtThis is one of the rarest domain assets available today

79. 17 Their is something that is much more scarce, something rarer than ability. It is the ability to recognize. 

80. Rare: myositis, rhabdomyolysis